Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stressed Out! | A Level Results Day

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Hello everyone!

Today's blog post is about stress. Along with myself, I can imagine the vast majority of 17 and 18 years olds are somewhat stressed. Doomsday is upon us. Yes, it is A level results day tomorrow, and boy do we know it.

Thankfully I have another year left of school, so I don't have to stress out about final grades, university clearings and the UCAS website going down, but I'm still bloody nervous.

Ever since my last exam in May, whenever someones mentioned the tabooed words 'results day', my stomach churned. Especially during this past week. When people have mentioned it on twitter, or the news has said something about grades, I've wanted to curl up and miss tomorrow entirely.

However, there are thousands of people in the same boat as me. And even more next Thursday when the GCSE results are out.

It's the same every year. I'll come out of every exam thinking 'I tried my best, I couldn't have done anything else', but as the countdown to results day ticks away, I find myself thinking 'but I could have done more. I could have done some more revision instead of watching an episode of that TV show.' A lot of you are probably on the same wavelength as me. But we have to remember that we couldn't revise 24/7, that we deserve time do to whatever we want. It's school, not a prison sentence (although it often feels that way!)

I'm not here to say 'everything will be okay'. Coming from a person with anxiety, its exactly what you don't want to hear, because it doesn't help. All I'm going to say is, no matter what the outcome, good or bad, you'll figure something out eventually, even if it isn't what you initially anticipated. Don't throw away any of your ambitions based on bad grades. That's the worst thing you could do.

I'm also not here to tell you how to deal with stress, because everyone has their own way. Me? I watch a movie or read a book to escape reality for a little while. Just don't let it get on top of you like it did with me a few months ago.

Before I go back to rocking back and forth on my bed, I want to wish everyone receiving results tomorrow the best of luck. As the wild cats would say 'we're all in this together'!

Cheerio x

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