Sunday, July 13, 2014

My Skincare Secret | Showing My Skin The Love It Deserves

Hello Everyone!

So as part of the Simple Skin Social campaign, I thought I'd share with you how I keep my skin healthy!

Image credit

Now we all know spots can be a right pain, and even when we take really good care of our skin, they can still pop up and  look like Yellowstone is about to irrupt off our chin! A lot of this can be down to Mother Nature paying us a visit (TMI?) or our hormones going awol, but it also has a lot to do with our lifestyle and the way we take care of our skin. So lads, this can apply to you too!

I don't really know if I can call these my skincare secrets, as I know a lot of people will do the same as I, but it's surprising how many people I know don't actually have a routine- and my skin feels a lot healthier because of it! However, todays post is about how lifestyle can affect your skin, maybe I'll do a follow up on my actual skincare routine if anyone's interested?!

If you saw my 12 Days of Christmas series, I mentioned that one of my resolutions for 2014 was to drink more water. And if you saw Zoella's most recent video Little Ways To Change Your Life, you'll see that I completely agree with her; drinking more water really does help your skin! It keeps you feeling hydrated and helps stopping your skin getting too dry. I saw a noticeable difference within the first couple of weeks.

I've never been a big fruit fan- give me a big plate of veggies over a bowl of strawberries any day! It's mainly to do with the textures of fruits (yes I realise I'm a little weird), but recently my parents bought a smoothie maker, so I've been having smoothie's everyday for breakfast and I honestly think it has really helped not only clear my skin, but give it a healthy glow... probably because I'm getting more vitamins and healthy sugars into my diet!

I came back from my holiday on Thursday, and I honestly think a week in the Greek sunshine has really helped my skin a lot. Whilst over there I had no spots, and any spots I did have disappeared straight away; it was like the sun was some kind of miracle worker! Obviously I'm aware that the sun can actually do an awful lot of damage, so I was wearing factor 50 on my face every day, but I believe the vitamin D from the sun, mixed with the vast amount of water I was drinking out there to keep hydrated really did wonders for my skin! So basically, just spend some time outside and get some fresh air. Not only will it help you clear your head, but it will help keep your skin clear and fresh too- as long as you don't burn!

Not that you can see my face that well, but loving life in the pool!
Spot free and (almost) make-up free, with a cocktail in a watermelon, what could be better?!

Another 'secret' that isn't really a secret of mine is to eliminate as much unnecessary stress from your life as possible! Obviously that was near impossible during exam season when I had my A-Levels to compete with which took a serious toll on my skin, but as soon as they were over I gave myself a few days to relax and do nothing. I'm pretty sure these few days consisted of hours of Netflix, a few countryside walks and not much else, and I'm very thankful for these!

©Alyce Burton Photography Back from a shoot mid-exam season at the beautiful Ingram Valley in Northumberland.

I hope this post has helped some of you see how you could alter your lifestyle ever so slightly to help your skin reap the benefits. It certainly helped me!

Cheerio x