Thursday, January 02, 2014

12 days of Christmas | Day 9

On the ninth day of Christmas, Stacey gave to me, nine youtube videos, eight resolutions, seven must-read books, six make-up tips, five favourite blogs, four amazing people, three recipes, two cute doggies, and a new blog post every day.
It's currently 8:32pm as I am writing this. If I'm honest with myself I could have had this up and published around five hours ago. But I've found myself watching Sherlock. I've already finished series one. Actually, that's not too difficult; there's only three episodes.

 Today's blog post is about procrastination. Something we do without even realising it *cuddles with the dogs for five minutes* ahem. 

When we find ourselves procrastinating we turn to the wonder that is YouTube. One minute you could be watching a video on Marxism, or how a cell divides. Next thing you know, you're faced with funny cat videos, or the 'weird' side of YouTube. I'm talking about videos such as the 46 year pregnancy. Don't lie. We've all been there.

Now before I start watching series two I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite videos on YouTube. Some classics. Some you may have never seen before. Enjoy.

1. Wrecking Ball Chair Fail
This video deserves way more views than it already has. I came across it on tumblr. The website of all things funny and weird and pretty and yeah. It gets funnier the more you watch it.

2. Charlie bit my finger... again!
I couldn't not put this in. It's a classic. And hilarious to impersonate. Charlieeeeeee

3. Lily's Disneyland surprise... again!
If you haven't seen the first one, I'd check it out it is so cute! But Lily's little sister Chloe had me in stitches because of her reaction- you'll see what I mean.

4. David after the dentist
Another classic, but too too funny to miss out. Is this real life?

5. Ultimate dog tease
A talking dog, what could be funnier?

6. Jimmy Kimmell- I told my kid I ate all their Halloween candy
We don't get into Halloween as much as America, which you will probably be able to tell after watching this video. I don't know whether to laugh or be annoyed. Very funny though.

7. The photobooth Challenge
A lot of youtubers have done this, and they are all very very funny. I've picked one at random for you to watch before you go searching for the rest of them. Yes these are two adults playing with the settings on their webcam.

8. Times we've pooped our pants
A weird video to come across judging by the title? Someone I'm subscribed to put up this video and it is actually really funny. I don't know if it's the facial expressions, or the way they tell the stories but I really enjoyed this one.

9. Drunk make-up tutorial
Last but not least is a video by the YouTube Queen that is, Jenna Marbles, all of her videos are top quality, but this one has to be one of my very favourites.

See you all tomorrow!

Cheerio x

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